Thursday, March 20, 2014

Three good reasons to be a senior martial artist

Here in rapid-fire style I offer three reasons why it's good to be a senior martial artist.  Whether you're 50-something or 60+, check out these opportunities.

The Mercer County Nationals.  On Saturday, March 22nd, you can compete in the 19th annual tournament hosted by Master Ivan Mendez.  This is a well-run and well-attended event that welcomes martial artists of all styles.  And this year you'll find 60+ divisions in sparring, weapons, and forms.  You can register at the door if you can't beat the online deadline.  If you live anywhere near New Jersey -- the tournament is being held at Rider University -- try to attend.  For full details on the event and the competition categories, visit Mercer County Nationals right now.

The 2014 U.S. Taekwondo Classic.  On Sunday, March 30th, Grandmaster David Turgeon will host the 20th edition of this major Taekwondo tournament.  Grandmaster Turgeon, a five-time member of the U.S. National Team, brings in some of the world's elite judges for this event, and the Classic is widely recognized as one of the premier sport poomsae [forms] competitions for black belts in the country.  The tournament will be held at Tolland High School in Tolland, CT.  Please note that there will be absolutely no registrations at the door.  To preregister, visit 2014 U.S. Taekwondo Classic.

USA Taekwondo State Qualifiers.  USA Taekwondo is America's official link to Olympic Taekwondo, but you don't need to be an Olympian to compete.  Taekwondo practitioners of every age and every rank can compete in state tournaments to earn a spot at the USA Taekwondo Nationals, which will be held this July in San Jose, CA.  This year USA Taekwondo added a new age division for poomsae competitors: 66+.  So now there's a 60-65 division as well as the new 66+ group.  What are you waiting for?  Find a state tournament near you, and give it your best shot.  Visit USA Taekwondo State Tournaments.

What's that you say?  You're not quite ready for competition?  If that's the case, get yourself in the martial-arts mood by becoming a spectator at one of the events discussed above.  This year you can watch; next year, compete.  Listen, health is largely a use-it-or-lose-it proposition, and Taekwondo can help keep you on the right path.  If you're not already in training, find a senior-friendly school near you and get with the program.

Hope to see you at a tournament in 2014.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Senior-friendly Mercer County Nationals, March 22nd.

Just a quick reminder to those of you who are looking for a very well run and senior-friendly martial-arts tournament: the 19th annual Mercer County Nationals will be held on March 22nd at Rider University.  According to tournament director Master Ivan Mendez, the event will offer more than 145 divisions to accommodate competitors of all ranks, all ages, and all martial-arts styles.  Last year's tournament attracted 450 competitors and 700 visitors, and this year's version incorporates a number of highly attractive elements.  Among them:
     -- the tournament will take place in two Rider University gyms, not just one, in order to keep things on schedule;
     -- the event will feature several new divisions, including age 50-59 black belts, age 60+ black belts, age16-17 continuous sparring (lightweight and heavyweight), and black belt team sparring (3- or 5-person teams);
      -- and a portion of the tournament's proceeds will be donated to the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
   As always, the tournament is open to competitors from anywhere in the U.S. as well as to non-U.S. competitors.  So if you're looking for a way to make some new martial-arts buddies while participating in some senior-friendly competition, this is the way to go.  I can tell you that this is one of my favorite tournaments of the year.
   For more information, click over to the tournament flyer, Mercer County Nationals.
   Whether this will be your first tournament ever or the first one in a long time, I hope to see you there.
                                      All the best.

Monday, February 10, 2014

USA Taekwondo: as senior-friendly as it gets

The Taekwondo tournament season is hitting full stride, and if you're a 50+ athlete who specializes in forms, or poomsae, you should immediately begin looking for the closest USA Taekwondo tournament.  The United States Olympic Committee recognizes USA Taekwondo as the National Governing Body for the sport of Taekwondo in the U.S., but you don't have to be a young Olympian to compete successfully in a state championship near you.
   USA Taekwondo offers a wide range of poomsae age divisions for athletes of all ranks, and to my mind USAT offers the fairest age-friendly rules by far.  While some organizations have a top age group of, let's say, 35-and-over, USAT has multiple categories for older competitors.
   Effective Jan. 1st of this year, USAT offers the following senior divisions in the poomsae category:
   By competing in a USAT-sanctioned state tournament, you can qualify for the USAT Nationals, to be held this summer in San Jose, CA.  And from there, if you happen to win gold, you might even find yourself competing in the World Poomsae Championships sponsored by the World Taekwondo Federation, the sport's Olympic governing body.  And, yes, the age groups shown above are used in international competition as well.
   Does it make sense to offer four age divisions for athletes over 40?  You bet.  Even though we're talking about forms, not sparring, age makes a huge difference in your ability to execute techniques successfully.  Unless you're a happy exception to the rule, you don't get stronger, faster, or more flexible as you age.  A 67-year-old competitor may know the form cold, but can he or she deliver front kicks and side kicks as well as someone 37?  Not likely.  But in too many tournaments that's just tough luck.
   With USA Taekwondo, on the other hand, you'll find about as level a playing field as you can imagine.  In fact, the newest age group for this year -- 66-and-over -- improves on the former 60+ age group.  Let's face it: at 68 your body isn't quite the same as it was at 62.  The older you get, the faster your performance can drop off.  So splitting the 60+ division into 61-65 and 66+ is a huge deal, and it's a way of recognizing that Taekwondo isn't something just for the millions of kids who study the art here in the U.S.
   Taekwondo is a way of life as well as a competitive sport.  So if you're still living the Taekwondo life at 50, 60, or 70, hook up with USA Taekwondo to find a qualifying tournament near you.  Simply head to the USA Taekwondo website, and search for events in your area.  You'll need to join USAT in order to compete, so don't delay since the tournament season is already upon us.
   You're never too old to begin learning Taekwondo . . . or to come out of "retirement."  The Taekwondo Life awaits you.
    All the best.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Save the date: 19th Annual Mercer County Nationals, March 22nd, 2014

One of my favorite tournaments of the year is coming up on March 22nd, and if you live in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, or anyplace else on the planet for that matter, you should consider competing.  It's the 19th Annual Mercer County Nationals, to be held once again on the lovely Rider University campus in Lawrenceville, N.J.  The University is just off I-95 and is highly accessible for martial artists throughout the Northeast.
   According to Master Ivan Mendez, the tournament's director, last year's event attracted just over 450 competitors of all ages and representing all martial-arts styles.  Well, the 2014 edition looks even more inviting.  Among the key upgrades for 2014: the tournament will offer two new black-belt divisions -- 50-59 and 60+.  So if you're a senior in the martial arts, here's a rare opportunity to show your stuff against competitors your own age.  And, yes, this is a very big deal.  Most tournaments don't go out of their way to make the events senior-friendly, so if you're 68 like me, you can find yourself competing against people half your age or younger.  Master Mendez has been trying to build interest among seniors for the past several years, and this year he has made the tournament as attractive as possible for us.
   The 2014 Mercer County Nationals will feature 145 separate divisions covering weapons, forms, and sparring in all age groups.  Sounds busy, doesn't it?  That's why the tournament will be held simultaneously in two of the Rider University gyms rather than just one.  The goal is to have all competition end by 4:00 p.m., the same goal that was met in 2013.  If you've ever had the experience of hanging out at a tournament from 8:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. waiting for your event to come up, you'll understand how appealing it is to work with someone like Master Mendez, who has a solid record of keeping his event on track.
   Oh, by the way: you shouldn't focus too much on trophies when you compete, since competing is its own reward.  But something else you'll find at the Mercer County Nationals is really nice trophies.  Just sayin'.
   So you have plenty of time to get ready for this tournament.  Whether you're relatively new to the martial arts or a seasoned veteran, you'll find yourself most welcome at this senior-friendly event.  Please put the date on your calendar now.  Then visit 2014 Mercer County Nationals for more information, including details on how to register.
   Hope to see you on March 22nd.  Come out and enjoy some martial-arts camaraderie.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bring it on! The new year has begun.

One of the great joys of Taekwondo is that it never stops teaching you.  It continually teaches you more about this ancient art, and it continually helps you learn more about the person you are yet to become.  You never learn all there is to know about Taekwondo, just as you never know all there is to know about who you are, about how you got to where you are, and about the paths that lie ahead.
   I enjoyed some tournament success in 2013, but more than anything I learned.  I learned new techniques and new forms (which in Taekwondo we call poomsae).  And I also learned a great deal about the work I still need to do.  For example, I learned the hard way that muscles I thought were in pretty good shape were actually in pretty poor shape.  So I began working with a personal trainer and now have specific fitness goals for 2014.  I also have a long list of other Taekwondo goals, but that's not the topic of today's post.
   This post is about you . . . and about wishes that I send your way for 2014.

Wish #1 is that you will "unretire" if you have already practiced Taekwondo or some other martial art.  You've been away from it for 20 years, you say?  So what?  The challenge is still there.  The knowledge you built up all those years ago hasn't been lost forever.  And you owe yourself the respect of becoming as fit as you can be.  As I said in an earlier post, count yourself lucky if you're a senior who is capable of training for a sport.  Many millions of people want to but can't, so don't waste God's gift of health as you enter the new year.  Let this be the year of your comeback.  It's never too late.  Just do your best.

Wish #2 is that you will begin learning Taekwondo if you have never studied a martial art before.  Forget the age thing.  See your doctor to get his or her approval.  Then consider working with a physical therapist or personal trainer before you step into the dojang, or training hall.  And then sign up for a senior-friendly martial-arts education.  I'm 67, not 17, so there are things I can no longer do as well as I once could.  So I do them as well as I can.  And let that be your training goal: to do what you can as well as you can.  Who can ask more from you?  Check out a few schools.  Then sign up for the one that seems best equipped to work with senior athletes.

Wish #3 is that you will enter at least one tournament, whether you've come out of retirement or have taken up your martial art for the first time.  There are plenty of tournaments that offer age divisions for competitors over 50 or over 60, and you owe it to yourself to experience the genuine highs and occasional lows of testing your skills in public.  You don't need to win a medal in order to feel great about yourself.  If you finish last in your division, you're still miles ahead of millions of perfectly healthy folks who have opted to sit on the couch and munch potato chips while you've been sweating in the dojang.

If you decide to compete in 2014, here are two great opportunities to consider:

Mercer County Nationals, New Jersey.  This is a large and extremely successful tournament whose director, Master Ivan Mendez, has worked hard to attract senior competitors.  No matter what your age or the color of your belt, you will enjoy the competition and the camaraderie.  The tournament is held each year at Rider University in Lawrenceville, N.J., and it's within easy reach of competitors who live in New York, Pennsylvania, or New Jersey.  This year's event will be held on March 22nd, and for more information click over to 2014 Mercer County National Karate Tournament.

USA Taekwondo State Championships.  USA Taekwondo is America's official governing body for Olympic Taekwondo, but you don't need to be an Olympian to participate.  Any competitor of any age or rank can compete in qualifying tournaments that lead to the USA Taekwondo National Championships.  And the winners in that major event can represent the U.S. in international competition.  The top age group is 59+, and two Americans won medals in the 2013 World Championships held in Bali, Indonesia.  To learn more about qualifying tournaments in your state, visit USA Taekwondo event calendar.

   Throughout the year there are Taekwondo tournaments in just about every state, and you shouldn't have to look too hard to find something that will fit your schedule.  Since today is January 1st, you probably have a few months to get ready for some friendly competition.  So challenge yourself to make the most of the year and your physical abilities.  Let 2014 be the start of something great.
   Happy New Year to all!  Best wishes for much success.